The A- Z of Family Law
In this week’s series on the A – Z of Family Law, Georgia takes a look at the letter N, covering the topic Notice of Risk.
Notice of Risk relates to the notice of child abuse, family violence, or risk to children.
The Family Law Act requires the Court to report certain information to child welfare authorities because they are considered mandatory reporters. Matters to report include:
- Allegations of child abuse or a risk of child abuse; and
- Allegations of family violence or a risk of family violence that amounts to abuse of a child.
The Notice of Risk form is a mandatory form that must be filed with any Initiating Application or Response or Application for Consent Orders seeking parenting orders.
If you answer YES to there having been a risk of harm and/or being concerned as to a risk of harm, the Registry manager must provide a copy of this form to the relevant child welfare authority, together with any other court documents and information as is required to enable investigation of the contents of the form.
The purpose of this is to ensure families and children receive appropriate and targeted early intervention and assistance.
Check out the other Letters in the A – Z of Family Law:
A: Applications, Applications for Divorce, Affidavits, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Appeals
B: Barristers, Best interest of the child
C: Child support, Collaborative Law
F: Financial Disclosure and Financial Agreement
G: Case Guardians, Litigation Guardians
I: Injunctions, Interim Hearings
J&K: Judicial Officers, Section 90K
If you have any questions about the words we have covered in this article or would like us to explain another term please do not hesitate to contact us at Southern Waters Legal.