Entries by info@queenie.com.au


Apps for separated parents

When parents are separated, communicating with each other can sometimes be difficult.  Emotions are high and arrangements need to be made for the children but parents are still human and still feel the hurt associated with the breakdown of a relationship.  That said, responsible parents need to find ways to co-parent harmoniously and with the […]


Tips on how to behave in Court

Stepping into a Courtroom can be a daunting prospect.  It’s very formal, there are rules of etiquette to be followed and just generally you probably don’t want to be there. If you do find yourself in a Courtroom, then here are some tips on how to behave in and around the Court:


The 5 most common mistakes family law clients make

Going through a separation can be one of the most challenging times a person will experience.  It is challenging both emotionally and financially and the challenges faced by parties going through a separation can sometimes lead to poor decision-making.  In our experience, there are some really common mistakes that parties make when going through their […]


10 tips to communicate better with your ex

It is no secret that communication is the key to a healthy relationship.  However, communication is also key to a healthy (insofar as it can be healthy) separation.  A breakdown in communication during a relationship can lead to separation and a breakdown in communication whilst going through a separation can lead to heightened emotional stress […]


We have separated – who moves out?

When parties separate, a very common question is, who moves out of the family home?  Another common question is, my friends have told me I need to stay in the house, is that true? In reality, nobody actually has to move out of the family home for separation to have occurred.  It is entirely possible […]