Tax Time: 5 Quick tax tips

The end of the financial year is upon us and it is a good time to consider these 5 handy tax tips... 1. Superannuation Do you have any employees whom you are paying superannuation? Superannuation is not tax deductible until it has been paid,…

Child Support: Get the system to work with you – not against you!

Following separation, you may be entitled to child support, you may have to pay child support or otherwise come to your own tailored arrangement, whereby you share costs of the children. People are often confused by this process, and why wouldn’t…

6 Superannuation Tips for Contractors & the Self-Employed

1. Look after your future self Superannuation is a way to save for your retirement. When you are a Contractor or Self-Employed, Superannuation is essentially your own obligation. There is no employer squirrelling away your 9.5% for you every…

Helping Your Children Buy Property – Risk Versus Reward

We’ve all heard the statistics about children living with their parents into their thirties, but while crippling house prices may be to blame, some parents are taking a more pro-active approach and shuffling their children out the door and…